Frightened Tummy
One of the many things I hate about this government is the way it’s turned me into a conspiracy theorist. Behind the door in front of me I hear the thunder of feet descending the stairs. I also hate the way they turn the law on its head, handing down value judgements they’re not fit to make. No longer are only certain mind-altering substances illegal. That’s too egalitarian. Now all such things are illegal by definition - unless they make an exception. Bolts rattle and the door is flung open to reveal Annie. A tall young woman with pitch-black hair and dark makeup that contrasts violently with the joi de vivre evident on her face. “Holly!” she shrieks, grabbing my forearm with one be-ringed hand, “Come on in, we’re just getting started.” The exceptions are few and far between and too expensive for the likes of us. I don’t understand — why stop people feeling high? Surely it’s easier to govern and police a drugged population than a stone-cold sober one? Unless they want people living in...